1. Bee Swarm Simulator Roblox Game
  2. Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Hive Slot

Hey everyone and welcome to my channel! This is my first Roblox video! Today I am playing bee swarm simulator!

Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Hive Slot
Aug 23rd, 2018
Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Hive Slot

Bee Swarm Simulator Roblox Game

Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Hive Slot
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  1. ------Instruction
  2. And Enjoy your HacKS :)
  3. local ud = 1
  4. local w = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Honeycomb.Value
  5. repeat
  6. game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Events.ConstructHiveCellFromEgg:InvokeServer(lr, ud, 'RoyalJelly', 0.001)
  7. until w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'BabyBee' or w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'DemonBee' or w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'DiamondBee' or w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'LionBee' or w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'MusicBee' or w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'NinjaBee' or w.Cells['C' .. lr .. ',' .. ud].CellType.Value 'ShyBee'

Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Hive Slot